This afternoon our group all got together for the last time. They bought us lunch at a pub downtown and took us on a cruise of the river Corrib, which is the river that runs just behind our apartment complex. It is a really lovely river, and I've always liked boats, so the cruise was fun.

Tonight we went to see the Dandy Warhols play. The program gave us each fifty euro to spend on tickets to various arts festival related events, so we were able to afford it. Unfortunately, the band that opened was terrible. The bass player in particular was ridiculous. I have never seen anyone assume so many ridiculous positions while playing an instrument. Thankfully, the Dandy Warhols themselves were very good. It was a good show and a good way to end our time in Galway.

Tomorrow morning we have to check out at 10 and we have a train at 11. We should get into Cork tomorrow evening at around 6. I have heard a lot of really good things about Cork, so I am excited.
I was actually just talking to a couple of Irish girls I met at a hostel and they also spoke quite highly of both Cork and Galway. They were also really good at cursing, is that a thing in Ireland? They made it sound like it was.
I've not encountered a huge amount of cursing, but Fares' friend Kevin did appear to have a plethora of wonderful curse words.
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