Sunday was our first full day of Brussels. We started early by going to an enormous market full of all manner of cheap and knock-off goods. According to one source it is supposed to be the largest market in Europe. It was quite an experience, but nothing compared to our next stop, a giant second hand market. There were all kinds of amazing trinkets here. A few of the most bizarre were a rusted out flintlock pistol, several Belgian WW2 helmets, and a table full of rusty, old swords and battle-axes. It was quite an experience, but we got there around 1 and it shuts down at 2, so we did not have much time. We are going to try to go back again before we leave Brussels.

After the secondhand market we wandered around town and stumbled upon a craft market. Honestly, on Sunday this town is filled to the brim with markets. At this market we enjoyed a couple of the cheaper Belgian foods one can get. Laura had a waffle and I had a cone of fries with mayonnaise. They were both excellent. I expected to be slightly put off by the mayonnaise, and they certainly are quite liberal with it, but it was unlike any mayonnaise I have had before, and I actually quite enjoyed it. And what better to follow that with than a couple of pralines. Honestly, how much better does food get than this?

Another fantastic thing about Belgium is that the beer is great, and since it is all from nearby, it is cheap as well. That night we went to a bar around the corner and had a couple of drinks. Laura had a Kriek, which is a cherry flavored lambic, and I had a Maes, which is a rather nice and cheap pilsner, and a Blanche de Brugge, which was a splendid Belgian wheat beer.
This country [or city at least] is wonderful. If you ever travel to Europe, be sure not to miss it.
What a wonderful way to spend Sundays at street markets, visiting with neighbors, enjoying one's city. Maybe if we had more of this going on, we would all get along better. At the very least, we might know each other. I'm really glad you chose Belgium as one of your destinations.
I think Laura had the right idea going with the authentic belgian waffle instead of the cone of mayonnaise
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