Perhaps the best thing about the city so far, however, is that our dollars stretch a little bit further here. I think we are going to have enough money to eat dinner out every night, so in that regard it will be a good way to wind up our trip. We are both a little tired of traveling, so it will be nice to take it easy and enjoy some good food and drink. For reference, beers at a grocery store cost around 10-20 czk [.5-1 euro], at a bar beers cost around 30-40 czk for a half liter [1.5-2 euro], and food at an average restaurant is around 100-200 czk [5-10 euro], with asian restaurants frequently as cheap as 70-80 czk for a meal [3.5-4 euro]. So, while it is not absurdly cheap, it is much more affordable than most of the other cities we've visited.

still too rich for my blood. hopes of visiting prague, dashed.
Sounds delightful.
So is Prague your last stop before returning to the states?
When do you resume learnin' in ole Billyburg?
After Prague we stop over in Dublin for a night [flights were cheaper that way] and then we return. I should be back in Williamsburg by the 22nd or so.
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