Laura and I had a rather nice dinner last night. Our last dinner abroad. It was at a lovely restaurant whose name escapes me. We were waited on by an extremely nice woman, and the food was excellent.

That is something I did not appreciate the first time in Ireland: the people here are extremely friendly. It shows itself especially well in the kind demeanor of people who work in customer service. Even the fellow who stamps passports all day is nice. It is a very nice country. And a stark contrast to some of the places we went.
But now all my foreign currency is spent. On food, drink, and trinkets to bring home. And it is farewell to Ireland. Though, I am not terribly sad to go. We have been traveling a long time, and it will be nice to be home and enjoy the comforts of privacy and my own bed.
So, I suppose that about wraps things up for this blog. By the time this posts we should be well on our way to the States. Thank you for reading and overlooking my probably poor grammar and sporadic posting schedule.
Thanks for keeping this blog, Andy. I've had an alright time reliving my travels vicariously while reading it at work.
As I told William, I'll be coming up probably fairly frequently so I hope to see you soon.
Andy, I have loved reading your blog and am very happy you are home.
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