It was bizarre. The hotel [Hotel Golf] from the outside looked terribly rundown. The paint was faded and the sign on the building was ugly and fairly old. However, as soon as you stepped inside it was gorgeous. The lobby floor was marble, there was a spiral staircase of marble that led up to the restaurant, the lobby was full of marble tables, and even the bases for the chairs at these tables were made of marble.

After staying in rooms of 16+ people for so long, this was absurd luxury. And not only that, but the hotel bar and restaurant were extremely affordable. Half liter beers for just over a euro and three course meals for around 10 euro.
Aside from our wonderful hotel we checked out some of the sights in Prague. We went to the Kafka museum, which was interesting. It was chock full of audiovisual effects, which was not what I was expecting for the museum, but made for an interesting experience.
There was also a very nice modern art museum that we looked at one day. My favorite bit being the enormous, brightly colored statues of animals that surrounded the museum.

Our third adventure was a mirror maze located in a park set atop a rather large hill. It was a pretty steep climb for the 80+ degree weather, but the maze was fun, and the view from the top of the hill was gorgeous.

Now we are in Dublin, and I should probably try to blow a little bit more money while I have the chance.
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